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molex/莫仕 應(yīng)用模具 69037-2146 Mini-Mac 690372146 系列207126


  • 690372146
  • molex
  • 應(yīng)用模具
  • Mini-Mac
  • 207126
  • 總覽:應(yīng)用模具
  • 自動化等級:自動, 半自動
  • 狀態(tài):Obsolete
  • 系列:207126
  • 替代產(chǎn)品編號:Contact Molex
  • 類別:應(yīng)用模具
  • 功能:壓接
  • 工具類型:配件
  • 更詳細(xì)的技術(shù)信息:applicationtooling@molex.com
  • 概述:應(yīng)用模具
  • 地理區(qū)域:全球
  • 產(chǎn)品名稱:Mini-Mac
  • Warranty Disclaimer:CAUTION: Molex tooling crimp specifications are valid only when used with Molex terminals and tooling manufactured by Molex and sold by Molex or authorized distributors ("Molex Tooling"). When using tooling other than Molex Tooling with Molex specific connector systems listed in our ATS documents, the Molex tooling qualification does not apply and the responsibility for full qualification of the connector system is that of the customer. Molex accepts no liability for connector performance or tooling support where tooling other than Molex Tooling is used or where Molex Tooling is modified.
  • UPC:800754816151

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